Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Prejudice against Hinduism: or is it just misplaced ignorance?

Thanks Mega for starting this discussion. Its nice to know that so many of us are in the same plate either because of Social events like those that happened to you or because of inquisitiveness that we want to know where we came from, why we follow certain things that we condider as our values and why we want to continue doing so and where we are heading in the future..

Lets first agree on certain qualities that tells us that would help us take correct and balanced decisions, why suddently into decision taking qualities! cause thatz when you take sensible decision which determines the way you approach things and which extrapolates as to how your future would be:)

To be very mature and take correct or impartial decisions on any topic, a person first should be satisfied in life and knows that he has all things that he needs. Once a person thiks he is safe and has all he needs like security , peaceful life, then he would have less turbulation in his mind and he would be able to take decisions on matters in a more im-partial manner.

Imagine you have every resource in this world you need at your disposal and you will continue to do so, now you have an issue on some thing, will you act to solve this problem in a best way? Yes you will.

But take a case of a person who has fear and is still working on satisfying his needs, would he take decisions on matters without any partiality? He may take some good impartial decisions, but most of them would be determined by the way he looks at the world, since he himself is not very secure, he would try to take decisions to make him more secure :) - Correct.

Now look at the culture of Western Nations, they have wealth, they have best education/ medicine (lets assume), but do they have security? I dont think so, the families there are hardly supportive of their older ones and younger ones.. this increases social insecurity.. Such an insecure society would strive to protect iteself from more charming society or a different change..
The only way to secure themselves is
1. To eliminate the others
2. Convert them as them.

This is what is happening. THis is why conversion is in there in first place!!

If there is a religion which is so right, then obvisouly ppl who do see the religion would get attracted and get automatically engulfed in it. You dont need organized conversion mechanisms and conversion ads that elude ppl to get converted.

Look at Hindusim, even though its followers are very less, it never tries to convert other ppl, cause it knows its a great religion that can survive on its own and doesnt need ppl to protect it. Agreed!

But now, since these religions which keep converting ppl all around the globe to satisfy their security needs, more and more ppl get victimised and in the process become more insecure and help in more conversions.

This seems to be a good chain that is challenging the Hinduism. Even though we need not worry as we feel hinduism will sustain its prominence, we should still attempt to increase its revival so that we dont loose on time.

If giving a handout of Bible to a non-christian is a good and welcome deed, why not Hindus hand over Bhagavat Gita to Christians? This is also a good and welcome deed! So lets start doing this first.

This way, they can atleast know about the greatness of Hinduism and we can spread the good love and affection to all.

What you guys say?