Year 2005 - More expectations , More Ambitions.
Things that i need to do this year
1. Learn a new Language . (Thinking of French).
2. Do an Executive MBA
3. Allocate 1hr of reading technical stuff daily (I know this might neve happen.. but lemme plan... atleast i'm planning wasnt that an improvement uh...)
4. Wanted to learn MFC.. (I am attending training on this already.. so feeling very satisfied.. abt this.. as i was yearning for this for so long.. and now am learning it... wow.. wasnt that a good positive side??).
5. Wanted to get a Digicam and a DISK Man (CD Man). (Have booked my camera.. Sony P73 which might get shipped to me in another month.. Hoping! to take pics on that.. hmmm).
6. I really enjoyed listening using the DISK man.. until one fine day, my mom just dropped it down and it got broke.. hmm.. i realised my love for my mom far exceeds my materialistic love, was proud abt that. I am saying this cause, when she dropped my Disk man in front of me, i never even give her a stern look inspite of the DISK man being my most dearer widget! I luv u mom so much.. I feel i cannot be without her and her care!
7. So i have now booked for my new Disk man.. my friend has to bring that one from the US. Hope to get back to my enjoyment..
On Year 2004.
Great Learnings, taught me what life is.. and how to treat great tragedies in the right way.
I felt all these blows in 2004 actually made me more stonger and made me more equipped to face the world, rather the realities. I was always in an protected utopia of myfamily.
Some bad moments in 2004 that i did not want to remember.
1. Death of my Brother, Bharath Srivatsan (A.S.A.) Anand. The most painful part of my life time was felt during August 2nd. Still feeling the pain, the pain that i lost my dearest brother when he was rode over by a lorry when he went to the collge. (August 2004).
2. Was sick for 1Month due to Chicken Pox. (May 2004)
3. Was sick for 1 Month dur to Dengu Fever (Nov 2004).
4. Could never buy a land in Mysore.. some how something was always preventing me from finalising a ground in Mysore.
5. Personal crisis in my family (April 2004). I dont want to detail on this one.
Some good moments that I Cherish in 2004:
1. My Sister's marriage.
2. The new Compaq system that i bought.
3. Marriages of my cousins, Vidhya, Raja Anna, Raghava Anna, Babu Anna :)
Since Year 2004 was so terrible, 2005 has to be a good one right? As per the law of averages! Lemme see..